How social gaming effects mental health

First of all, what is social gaming? In a nutshell, social gaming is the practise of playing online games, whether that’s through social media platforms, Massively Multiple Online Role-Playing Games, live streaming or multiplayer. In respective order, the more well-known examples being popular games such as Farmville, World of Warcraft, Twitch and Call of Duty.Continue reading “How social gaming effects mental health”

Is social media a good or bad thing for public health?

You’re probably thinking to yourself, ‘How does social media even relate to my health?’ For starters, your health on social media can be split into two types: To seek health information online Personal health and illness experiences caused by networks on social media To seek health information online With the rise of social media inContinue reading “Is social media a good or bad thing for public health?”

Should Crowdsourcing be relied on through times of crisis?

First of all, what is crowdsourcing? According to the boring old dictionary, “crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the internet.” In other words, it’s basically the practice of engaging a groupContinue reading “Should Crowdsourcing be relied on through times of crisis?”

Do online trolls want to cause harm or amusement?

With the growth of social media, we’ve never had more access to public forums and having the ability to communicate with people from all corners of the world. This comes with new norms, responsibilities, potential misuses, conflict and potential harms (Swinburne Online).  One of the harms that come of this is online trolls. Online trollsContinue reading “Do online trolls want to cause harm or amusement?”

Do activism and protests benefit from social media?

Activism and protest have been happening for years! Demonstrations, boycotts, strikes, letter-writing and more recently, social media, are the most common techniques used. When it comes to digital protest and activism, social media has its pros and cons. It has the awesome ability to support local activist groups looking to raise funds for their organisationContinue reading “Do activism and protests benefit from social media?”

The way in which politicians use social media to connect with younger voters

Social media has changed the way politicians across the world not only reach a larger audience but directly target younger voters. Platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook have often been used to broadcast political announcements which have allowed the everyday citizen to weigh in and express their thoughts and opinions on a public forumContinue reading “The way in which politicians use social media to connect with younger voters”

How are our social experiences bound up with social media platforms and their affordances, and how we make use of them?

There’s no doubt, social media has changed the world we live and the way we communicate amongst one another. One of the biggest changes is the large amount of people we can reach and interact with. Something you post on social media platforms such as Instagram or TikTok have the ability to see thousands ofContinue reading “How are our social experiences bound up with social media platforms and their affordances, and how we make use of them?”

Is WordPress a blog or a social network site?

Great question! First of all, let’s go into what WordPress actaully is. WordPress is a website builder that was founded in 2003 with the aim of being a free alternative for anyone wanting an online voice and/or presence in just minutes. The website builder can be used by anyone, from a complete beginner to aContinue reading “Is WordPress a blog or a social network site?”

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